Ways of Working

120 min

What’s the quickest way to set up the new group group as individuals to start working a as a team?

Bring people together and let them answer to the basic questions.

1. What do we value?

What qualities and behaviors are important to us as individuals? Which ones are shared among us?

2. How will we behave based on these values?

  • Communicate. When, how, and with what channels?
  • Collaborate. When will we show one another our work? How will we work together on ideas? What tools will we use?
  • Measure Our Work. What does success look like? How will we know we’ve reached it?
  • Provide Feedback. How do we expect performance feedback will be delivered and managed?
  • Make Decisions. Is it through consensus or is there designated decision-maker? How do we know who the decision-maker is? How will decisions be communicated?
  • Recognize One Another. How do we individually like to be rewarded? Do we have specific goals or milestones we’ll celebrate together?
  • Handle Conflict. What does healthy conflict look like for us? Whatwould unhealthy conflict look like?
  • Prioritize Work. How will we resolve conflicting priorities?
  • What is the team archetype? What is our spirit animal, superhero, or historical representative?

 3. What commitments can we make to one another based on this?

How will we each show up differently as individuals and team members? What behavior change can we hold one another accountable to?

Steps to implement:

  1. Prepare a whiteboard (digital or physical).
  2. Explain the idea of the exercise.
  3. Start with focusing on one question at a time. For each category:
    • Explain the question.
    • Let everyone write their thoughts on post-its. Set the timer.
    • Group and agree on the top ones. For example, using dot-voting technique.
  4. Thank everyone and finish with a cool energizer.

After the session:

Make sure the outcomes don’t get lost. After the workshop save the Ways of Working canvas and polish its look. Have it in a clear and shareable way and make sure every team member has access to it. Be ready to review it with the whole team whenever a change is needed. Share the experience with other teams you work with regularly. You can tell how you came to these agreements, and what they can expect of your team. In this way, you can begin to build understanding and engagement beyond your team across your organization.


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