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Posts published in “Blog posts”

Master Your Check-ins

Check-in (aka Energisers, Ice-breakers) is a facilitation tool that aims to help achieving a better outcome. People come to the meeting from different circumstances. Depending on what you want to achieve, a different check-in exercise should be chosen. Let’s look at the effects that check-in exercise might bring. Reduce shyness…

Large group activation

If you hired driven people, their engagement will depend on their involvement in decision making process. Besides that, individuals included in decision making can contribute and lead to a better decision. And on top of that, people who participated in decision making process will be more adaptive and creative during…

Decision Making

Decision making is an essential part of making progress. We use different methods to decide and they shape the new reality. Most of the time we act intuitively, but being more aware can lead to better results. The same decisions can lead to completely different outcomes depending on HOW we…


“An hour of planning can save you 10 hours of doing.” — Dale Carnegie PURPOSE “Standup” (aka “Daily Scrum”, “SUP”, “Daily”) is an effective technique of effective planning for the day. Syncing with each other on completed work, asking for support, and most importantly, sharing plans for the day, are…