Create a band

10 min

Run this variation of check-in if it fits your team. It creates a friendly and fun atmosphere for the meeting.

Moderation Steps:

  1. Preparation is key. For online feel free to use our Google Slides Template by creating a copy. Make sure everyone has access.
  2. Before starting the exercise, remind about the reasoning behind check-in exercises. The purpose should be clear for everyone, otherwise some people feel detached.
  3. Ask participants to look up for images of the role they would want to play in a band that represents the way they feel at the moment. Limit the time for searching images by 3 minutes or so.
  4. Let people share brief comments about your band. Keep it short, because it’s not the main activity.

Free template:

Create a copy of Google Slides Template and feel free to use it for your team.


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